• Wednesday, June 15, 2023
About Us

Ankara House

What do we foresee?

- To create a think tank that can produce knowledge and set the agenda, such as Chatham House, Brookings Institute and the British Council.

- Getting rid of the cumbersome structure of the university that does the work of universities.

- Bringing together academics and practitioners, theory and practice, based on cooperation with industry, bureaucracy and the business world, paving the way for interdisciplinary studies.

- To eliminate the disconnects by paving the way for academia that feeds on practice and practice that feeds on academia.

- To create an independent and objective portal where alternative views and creative ideas can find a place.

- To be able to coordinate these efforts by addressing issues at different levels with a perspective that can address issues with local, national, regional and global dimensions.

- Preparing the ground for a school like the Frankfurt School, Copenhagen School, Wales School to emerge from Ankara in the areas it focuses on

- Adding Value to the City of Ankara

- Creating the "Ankara House Knows"

What Can We Do?

 - Routine activities and Project Based Activities

 - Research that touches life in the fields of study

 - Analyses, op-eds, books, Academic and semi-academic publications

 - Research Funds, Scholarships

 - Congresses, workshops, seminar series, trainings

 - Track-Two Diplomacy

What kind of structure?

 - To create sub-working groups by making groupings within the headings

 - Researchers who are permanent members and researchers involved on a project basis

 - Fellowship researchers

 - Funding Organizations - Direct Support - Project Support - Routine activities - Project Based activities